Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area Implementation Plan/EA

New River Gorge National Park and Preserve » Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area Implementation Plan/EA » Document List

Welcome to the Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area Implementation Plan/Environmental Assessment Homepage.

This site contains information and public review documents related to the preparation of an Implementation Plan and Environmental Assessment (IP/EA) for The Nuttallburg Coal Mine Complex and town site located within New River Gorge National River. The IP/EA is the planning process that focuses on the developments required for future visitor use of the historic Nuttallburg area. The purpose of the IP/EA is to ensure that the park has a clearly defined direction for resource preservation and visitor use of this important area.

The National Park Service has prepared an Implementation Plan for the nationally significant historic resources at Nuttallburg. The Nuttallburg Mining Complex and town site is the most intact example of an early 20th century coal mining complex in the New River Gorge and West Virginia, and one of the most complete coal related industrial sites in the United States. The National Park Service (NPS) proposes to develop a new visitor use area that will encompass land within and adjoining the Nuttallburg Mining Complex and Town Historic District. The Historic District is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is nationally significant for its association with Henry Ford's revolutionary experiment from 1920 to 1928 to vertically integrate automobile production at his Rouge River Plant in Dearborn, Michigan, by controlling the supply and flow of raw materials needed for automobile manufacturing. It is also nationally significant for Henry Ford's use of engineering innovation at the site.

The purpose of the project is to 1) provide the focal point within New River Gorge National River for the interpretation of early coal mining technology in the New River Gorge, 2) provide park visitors with a safe experience that offers opportunities for education and recreation, 3) protect the park's natural and cultural resources from potential adverse effects, 4) provide visitor facilities that are cost effective, that are harmonious with and integrated into the park environment, and that reflect sustainable design.

The public's input on the planning of the Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area was welcomed throughout the planning process. Four public meetings regarding Nuttallburg were held in conjunction with the public meetings for the General Management Plan. The public and agency comments were essential in developing the draft Implementation Plan and in choosing the Selected Alternative.

To view a presentation and comments from the previous public meetings, click on "Document List" and choose "Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area Implementation Plan - Scoping." To view the draft plan choose "Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area Implementation Plan and Environmental Assessment."

On April 23rd of 2009, the Regional Director of the Northeast Region of the National Park Service signed the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area Implementation Plan and Environmental Assessment. To view the FONSI, click on "Document List" and choose "FONSI-signed -Nuttallburg Visitor Use Area IP/EA".

Contact Information

Richard Segars
Historical Architect