PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Delicate Arch Trail Surface Repair

Arches National Park » Delicate Arch Trail Surface Repair » Document List

Heavy visitor use and inadequate maintenance has caused a segments of the Delicate Arch trail to deteriorate to unacceptable levels. The area of concern is approximately 1 mile in from the trailhead. This section of trail is seeing severe gully formation and material displacement causing rock protrusions within the trail corridor, leading to unnecessary trail widening.

Completing this project will reduce further resource damage and bring this segment up to the physical standard needed to support the current as well as anticipated volume of use.

Using standard trail hand tools such as rock bars, shovels, rakes, McCleods etc. the reconstruction efforts will utilize existing material located within and along the side of the problem segment. Stone which has been pushed off the trail tread surface will be gathered and assembled in a manner that will retain tread surface material and promote proper drainage, providing for a more sustainable trail system. The project will be executed in early November when visitation is down. A small reroute may be needed depending on the volume of use.

Contact Information

Dave Wood 435-719-2133