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2021 Changes to WRST Superintendent's Compendium
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve » 2021 Changes to WRST Superintendent's Compendium » Document List
The Superintendent's Compendium is the summary of park specific rules implemented under the discretionary authority of the park Superintendent. The park compendium is updated annually and is a written compilation that addresses designations, closures, permit requirements, and other restrictions and/or specifications imposed under the discretionary authority of the superintendent. The Superintendent's Compendium is prepared in accordance with the delegated authority contained within the regulations in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 1 through 7, as authorized by Title 54, United States Code, Section 100101 and 100751, and establishes regulatory provisions for Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. Parts 1 through 6 are general regulations applicable to all areas of the National Park System, and Part 13 contains special regulations specific to individual parks in Alaska.
A public comment period regarding proposed changes to the compendium will be open from January 15, 2021 - February 15, 2021. Information on how to submit comments is available at:
After review and consideration of the need for annual updates, the following changes are proposed:
Jumbo Creek Campground Designation
13.25(c) - A compendium change is proposed to include designation of the Jumbo Creek Campground in the Kennecott Mines National Historic Landmark and to add a seasonal restriction on discharging a firearm in the newly established campground. Any subsistence activity that does not require the discharge of a firearm within this limited area would not be affected by this proposed restriction.
Electric Bicycles
Updates are proposed regarding the use of electric bicycles (e-bikes) to reflect recent regulatory changes. The entry under 36 CFR 13.50 will be replaced with the following (the final compendium entry has been changed based on public comments received during the public comment period):
4.30(i)(1) Designated roads, parking areas, and trails open to electric bicycles, or specific classes of electric bicycles - all park roads, parking areas and the following trails, located outside of designated wilderness and outside of the Kennecott Mines National Historic Landmark, are open to the use of electric bicycles: Trail Creek Tail, Lost Creek Trail, Soda Lake Trail, and Nugget Creek Trail.
Jack Lake Airstrip Administrative Site Designation
13.50 - The NPS has added a closure on public use at the Jack Lake Airstrip Administrative Site. This change would add the Jack Lake Airstrip Administrative Site to the current list of facilities designated for administrative use only (the final compendium entry has been changed based on public comments received during the public comment period).
Mask Wearing Requirements
13.50 - Addition of language to reflect the requirement in Executive Order 13991 that masks are worn and physical distancing is maintained on NPS property to limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect public health and safety. A Nationwide CE was written to cover this action that applies to all NPS units, see attached in the files section below. The CE citation used was 3.3 D.2. "Minor changes in amounts or types of visitor use for the purpose of ensuring visitor safety or resource protection in accordance with existing regulations."
13.50 - Addition of language addressing permitting for commercial filming pursuant to an injunction issued under Price v. Barr.
The final compendium document along with the response to comments received on the Superintendent's Compendium for 2021 is attached to this PEPC project in the files section below.