McCarthy Creek Subsistence House Log Permit

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve » McCarthy Creek Subsistence House Log Permit » Document List

The National Park Service has released for public review an Environmental Assessment for a subsistence house log permit in the McCarthy Creek area of Wrangell-St. Elias National Preserve. The Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared according to requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, applicable regulations, and agency procedures.

The public review period is December 16, 2005 through January 17, 2006.

The NPS preferred alternative would issue a special use permit to the applicant that authorizes the harvest of 120 subsistence house logs in the upper McCarthy Creek valley. The applicants would be allowed to harvest dead standing timber only during the winter, subject to applicable policy, permit procedures, and conditions. The applicants would not be allowed to harvest subsistence house logs greater than 0.5 mile from the designated route; or within 300 feet of McCarthy Creek or any other water body.

Contact Information

Steve Hunt, Environmental Coordinator, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
