Klingle Valley Trail

Rock Creek Park » Klingle Valley Trail » Document List

Update, August 13, 2015: Construction of the Klingle Valley Trail project began in July, 2015. The District Department of Transportation will be holding a public outreach meeting to discuss the construction project, construction activities and parking restrictions. The first outreach meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 20 at 6:30 pm at the Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20008. The library is one block south of the Cleveland Park Metro.

For more information about the Klingle Valley Trail project, please visit http://www.klinglevalleytrail.com .


The National Park Service has released a Finding of No Significant Impact for the Klingle Valley Trail Project, Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C.

The document officially accepts the Federal Highways Administration(FHWA)/District Department of Transportation (DDOT) selected preferred trail construction alternative, Alternative 2, as presented in the Final EA. The Selected Alternative is a 10-foot wide multi-use trail with permeable paving, constructed in the DDOT Right of Way through Klingle Valley.

The NPS's also adopts the FHWA/DDOT selected preferred option for the stabilization/restoration of Klingle Creek, Option B - - Full Stream Channel and Bank Stabilization, as presented in the Final EA. Under Option B, a total of 1,595 linear feet of stream channel will be restored. In areas not protected by bedrock, the channel will be reconstructed using step-pools to present a natural channel appearance, dissipate water energy, and protect stream banks.

The NPS accepts the FHWA/DDOT selected preferred option for accessing the Rock Creek Park Multi-use Trail from the Klingle Valley Trail, Option C - Modified, as presented in the Final EA. This option combines Options B and C presented in the Draft EA. Under this option, a multi-use trail will be constructed within DDOT's right-of-way along the south side of Klingle Road, NW and continue onto the ramp that leads to the overpass of Porter Street, NW.

Finally, NPS accepts the FHWA/DDOT selected preferred lighting Option B - Pole or Bollard Lighting. This selection is relevant to this FONSI, as fixtures installed along the Klingle Valley Trail will cast light onto NPS-managed land, possibly affecting wildlife. Under Selected Lighting Option B, low-impact pole lighting will be incorporated into the proposed multi-use trail design, and planners will consider using low/renewable energy features, such as solar cells or light-emitting diodes (LEDs). To limit hours of illumination, lighting along the proposed multi-use trail will be turned on during high trail usage times and turned off during other times. Also, heights of the poles will be minimized, and down lighting using light shields or hoods will be used to direct light to the trail and prevent it from spreading into the adjacent streams, woodlands or night skies.

Contact Information

Nick Bartolomeo
Rock Creek Park