MVT Safety Improvements at TRIS

George Washington Memorial Parkway » MVT Safety Improvements at TRIS » Document List

This project includes the elimination of safety hazards on the segment of Mount Vernon Trail at Theodore Roosevelt Island parking lot and entry to the Theodore Roosevelt Island pedestrian bridge by realignment of the trail between the two parking lots and reconfiguration of the entry access.
The scope of for this project is; Removing existing curb ramps, removing portion of pavement, construct new curb and gutter, construct raised table on access road between the parking areas, realign Mont Vernon Trail, mill and overlay entire parking lot, stripping of the parking lots and portion of Mount Vernon Trail, removing portion of existing pavement, construct ADA access ramp and walkway, construct visitor and maintenance access to Theodore Roosevelt Island bridge, install bike racks, construct wayside surrounded by low height wall (seat wall), construct drinking fountain for visitors, planting trees and shrubs.

Contact Information

Homayoun Kazemipour 703-419-6411