Great Falls Park General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement

George Washington Memorial Parkway » Great Falls Park General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement » Document List

We are pleased to present you with a General Management Plan(GMP) and Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) for Great Falls Park, Virginia, a unit of George Washington Memorial Parkway. This GMP/EIS describes and analyzes two alternatives for managing Great Falls Park. Alternative A, the continuation of current conditions, and Alternative B, the Preferred Alternative, which describes proposed practices that would balance the protection of natural and cultural resources with the provision of recreational opportunities for the visitors. The approved plan will help managers make decisions about managing cultural and natural resources, visitation, recreation and development for the next 10-15 years.

Several issues that are addressed include managing natural and cultural resources to optimize the preservation of both; determining the appropriate levels and locations for visitor interpretation and education in the park; determining the appropriate levels and locations of recreational activities such as picnicking, kayaking, horseback riding, biking climbing, fishing and boating in the park; managing trails with regard to use, and connection to trails outside of the park; managing traffic and associated elements; and determining the most advantageous locations to support administration and operation functions with respect to minimizing resource disturbance.

Contact Information

Deborah Feldman
Park Planner
George Washington Memorial Parkway
Turkey Run Park
McLean, VA 22101