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Wind Cave National Park Land Management Zoning Plan

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The National Park Service (NPS) has prepared an Environmental Assessment for the Zoning Management Plan/General Management Plan Amendment at Wind Cave National Park. This document has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and the National Historic Preservation Act.

The purpose of this project is to prepare a Zoning Management Plan and update the existing General Management Plan for the Park. This plan will provide the basis for future planning and decision making related to geographically distinct areas at the Park, and will be incorporated into all existing and future planning documents. Management Zones were developed to support and uphold the purposes for which Wind Cave was established as a national park.

This plan, based on a comprehensive resource suitability analysis and in conjunction with the Foundation document, defines allowable types and general intensities of uses, activities and development associated with public enjoyment and use of the Park specified locations. As part of this analysis, desired conditions for the preservation of resources fundamental to the established purpose of the Park were outlined and defined.

The Zoning Management Plan does not assess specific construction & development activities as a General Management Plan would normally address. The Zoning Plan will address appropriate locations for these types of activities and stipulations regarding the appropriate locations for each. Please note proposed management zones have different levels of allowable uses and prescriptions. All subsequent actions would require their own compliance process to determine potential environmental consequences prior to implementation.

This document analyzes three action alternatives for the greater park area, four action alternatives for the Sanson Ranch area, and three action alternatives for the existing visitor center area. In addition to the proposed zoning alternatives a description of the existing management zones is included and for this plan is considered the No-Action alternative. The No-Action alternative is used as a baseline to compare and analyze the effects of the proposed approaches to management, and involves determining the relative magnitude, intensity, and characteristics of their effects of the proposed actions on park resources.

The Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and the EA constitute the record of environmental impact analysis and the decision-making process for the project. To read the FONSI, click on "Document List" in the column to the left.

Contact Information

Superintendent Vidal Davila
Wind Cave National Park
26611 U.S. Highway 385
Hot Springs, SD. 57747