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Remove dead and dying trees for safety and replace according to Landscape Plan (2012)

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Remove dead and dying trees for safety and replace according to Landscape Plan (2012) » Document List

Several trees are dying or are already dead, having not survived the winter, that need to be removed for safety as all are in busy pedestrian and vehicular traffic areas. All will be cut down to the ground and the stumps ground out. Some trees will be replaced using the park's Cultural Landscape Plan for guidance. The trees are as follows: Dogwood near Visitor Center planted in 2019- -replace in kind; Black Gum planted in 2018 in front of Block 11, Lot 4- -replace in kind; Apple in Rosenwald lot (Tree Map 166) and Apple in Robinson lot (Tree Map 25) both planted circa 1975- -replace in kind; Sycamore (Tree Map 163) and Red Oak (Tree Map 129) planted circa 1976 in Legacy Garden- -no replacement; Siberian Elm (Tree Map 147), unknown planting date, planted on corner of 9th and Jackson Streets- -no replacement. The trees in Legacy Garden and along 9th Street are outside the Landscape Report study area.

All trees except for the Siberian Elm were planted by the National Park Service but there is no record of archeological monitoring. The Elm was probably planted by the City and no archeological monitoring was likely completed.

Contact Information

Chris Harmon, 217-391-3242