Upcoming Outage: PEPC and Parkplanning will be offline on Weds., Sept. 11th, starting at 7 AM MT for routine maintenance. The expected downtime for Parkplanning is fifteen minutes, while PEPC will remain offline for up to two hours. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Rehabilitation of Parkwide Water and Wastewater Systems

Everglades National Park » Rehabilitation of Parkwide Water and Wastewater Systems » Document List

In November 2023, the National Park Service released for public review and comment the Everglades National Park Rehabilitation of Parkwide Water and Wastewater Systems Environmental Assessment (EA), which was prepared in accordance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations (40 CFR Part 1507). In accordance with National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 regulations (36 CFR 800.6(a)(4)), you are invited to express your views on resolving adverse effects on the following proposed undertaking through July 5, 2024.

Under the preferred alternative, the Shark Valley Observation Tower utility area pump house and generator building would be demolished to make way for the proposed potable water and wastewater improvements. The preferred alternative is anticipated to have an Adverse Effect on historic resources within the Shark Valley Observation Tower area.

Select "Open For Comment" on the left side of the page to learn more about the proposed undertaking.

Contact Information

Daniel Noon 305-242-7717