Lava Point Campground and Angels Landing Day-use Permit Fees

Zion National Park » Lava Point Campground and Angels Landing Day-use Permit Fees » Document List

Zion National Park (ZION) plans to formally pilot a day-use permit program to hikes Angels Landing. As part of civic engagement for the proposal and an associated fee, the public was asked for feedback during a comment period in August of 2021. ZION received nearly 3,000 comments from 1,000 individuals to PEPC between August 13 and September 12, 2021. Additional input was also received during meetings with local stakeholders. These comments, along with lessons the NPS learned by metering the number of hikers on the trail in 2019 and 2021 and distributing tickets to use the park shuttle system in response to COVID-19 in 2020, have been used to develop the pilot program.

The decision document, a response to public comment, and an associated press release can be found in 'Document List' on the left-hand column of this website. For additional information on the Angels Landing Pilot Permit Program, visit the park's website.

Contact Information

Susan McPartland
ZION Visitor Use Management