Remove and Safely Dispose of 36 Destroyed Buildings from the Carr Fire

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area » Remove and Safely Dispose of 36 Destroyed Buildings from the Carr Fire » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) announces the availability for public review of documents comprising the Administrative Record File for the selection of a time critical removal action (TCRA) at multiple burned building and outbuilding sites located in Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, California, in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, as amended, (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601 et seq.

The work includes removal of burned debris (and contaminated soil, if necessary) from 28 locations and dispose of the material at an approved facility. The 28 buildings and outbuildings slated for removal and cleanup were destroyed during the Carr Fire in the summer of 2018 at eight locations throughout the Whiskeytown National Recreation Area (WHIS), Shasta County, California. As a result of the Carr Fire, scattered debris fields of charred remains of the burned buildings remain at each building location. The materials include burned construction materials such as paint, mastic coating, electrical cables/insulation, lighting, molten/re-solidified metal roof shards, and unidentified materials. The scattered burned debris is primarily on the ground surface at each location and remains a potential source of ongoing contamination to Whiskeytown reservoir and its tributaries.

This TCRA is necessary in order to abate, prevent, mitigate or eliminate the threat posed by the release or substantial threat of release of these substances. The removal of debris and contaminated soil from the burned building sites is expected to mitigate, if not eliminate, all threats to human health and the environment associated with the Site.

NPS has determined there is a need to take prompt action that begins on-Site within six (6) months of the NPS decision to proceed with the action. As there are no potentially responsible parties, NPS will fund the action, with anticipated costs including planning documents, contracting, oversight, and contingency estimated at $1,428,000.

Description of the actions are available for review and comment on this site. Please click on the 'Open for Comment' link on the left side of this page.

Contact Information

Jennifer Gibson, Chief, Division of Interpretation and Resources Management, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, (530) 242-3457