Dominion Energy Virginia Crystal City Substation Oil Spill Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan (DARP)

George Washington Memorial Parkway » Dominion Energy Virginia Crystal City Substation Oil Spill Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan (DARP) » Document List

On January 24, 2016, a transformer ruptured at the Dominion Energy Virginia Crystal City Substation located in Arlington, VA resulting in the discharge of approximately 13,500 gallons of mineral oil dielectric fluid. Spill abatement documents report 11,120 gallons of oil were recovered from spill containment facilities and concrete vaults that prevented the product from leaving CCS property, and an additional 1,967 gallons were recovered from response actions. An undetermined quantity of oil was observed offsite in Roaches Run Waterfowl Sanctuary and an oil sheen was observed in or along the Potomac River. Birds of different species, including great blue heron, lesser scaup, Canada goose and mallard were oiled, some of which were cleaned and released. In addition, Gravelly Point Parking Area within GWMP was partially closed for response operations for a sixteen day period, preventing visitors from accessing portions of the Parking Area and nearby recreational opportunities.

The Final Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan (DARP) was prepared by federal and state natural resource Trustees in accordance with OPA (33 U.S.C. §2701, et seq.) and OPA Natural Resource Damage Assessment Regulations (15 C.F.R. Part 990) to restore natural resources injured by the Spill.

Contact Information

Brenda Wasler, Environmental Project Specialist
George Washington Memorial Parkway