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Proposed Fee Increase at Kirby Cove and Bicentennial Campgrounds, Marin Headlands
Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Proposed Fee Increase at Kirby Cove and Bicentennial Campgrounds, Marin Headlands » Document List
The proposed fee increase for overnight camping and day use reservations at Kirby Cove and Bicentennial Campgrounds in the Marin Headlands was approved by the National Park Service effective March 11, 2018.
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Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) is seeking public comment on a proposal to increase fees for overnight camping and day use reservations at Kirby Cove and Bicentennial campgrounds located in the Marin Headlands. Increased fees would support the expansion of an online reservation system, new campground amenities and other projects that have a direct visitor benefit. The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) establishes fee collection on federal lands, and National Parks collecting fees can retain 80% of those revenues in order to support projects that improve the visitor experience.
The proposed fees are:
- Kirby Cove campground from $25 to $30 per night
- Kirby Cove day use from $35 to $45 per day
- Bicentennial campground from free to $20
The prices are based on comparable fees charged by similar campgrounds throughout California. This is the first proposed camping fee increase since fees began at Kirby Cove campground in 1997. Holders of the Access and Senior Lifetime Interagency passes would continue to receive 50% off camping. The 2018 camping season is from March 11th through November 4th, varying slightly on an annual basis to coincide with daylight savings time.
How to Review and Comment:
To review the proposal and submit a comment, click on the "Open For Comment" tab on the left side of the screen OR send your comment by mail to:
GGNRA Superintendent
Attn: Proposed Camping Fee Increase
Fort Mason, Building 201
San Francisco, CA 94123-0022
Contact Information
Questions regarding this proposal can be sent