Proposed Fee Rate Increase to Align with NPS Standard Pricing Model

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area » Proposed Fee Rate Increase to Align with NPS Standard Pricing Model » Document List

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area proposes increasing park-wide fee rates to align with the new standard pricing model of similar National Park areas. The current park entrance fee rates were partially raised in 2015 from the rates that were in place at Whiskeytown since 1997. The proposed entrance fee increases would take effect January 1, 2018 and are as follows:

1 - 7 Day Vehicle Pass from $10 to $20
1 - 7 Day Motorcycle Pass from $10 to $15

Entrance fees are not charged to persons under 16 years of age or holders of the America the Beautiful-The National Parks and Federal Recreational Annual, Senior, Access, Military, or Volunteer Passes. These passes may be obtained at the park.

Previous projects funded by entrance fee revenue include: replacing courtesy docks at Oak Bottom Marina, renovation of the Whiskey Creek Day Use Picnic Area, and installing vault toilets and constructing an asphalt parking lot at Crystal Creek Falls trailhead. Additional revenue raised by a fee increase would help fund future projects such as regrading and resurfacing the upper one mile section of Brandy Creek road, replacing the Oak Bottom Snack Bar, and replacing visitor guide signs.

Park staff will hold a town hall meeting to provide information and gather feedback about the proposed increase on Thursday, August 17th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Community Room at 777 Civic Center Drive. Comment cards will be provided at the meeting.

Comments can also be submitted by clicking the "Open for comment link" on the left of the screen from August 14, 2017 through September 13, 2017.

Contact Information

Jim Milestone