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Verizon Tower Construction with Fiber Optic Connection
Bryce Canyon National Park » Verizon Tower Construction with Fiber Optic Connection » Document List
The NPS signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Cellular Telecommunications Tower with Power and Fiber Optic Connection Environmental Assessment (EA). The EA is based on a proposal to issue right-of-way permits to Verizon Wireless, South Central Utah Telephone Association and Garkane Energy Cooperative to install a 60-foot cell tower, fiber optic utility and electric utility right-of-way near the Science Hill area within the park. During the EA process, the National Park Service sought input from the public, Garfield County, partners and affiliated Tribes to understand their concerns, and incorporated their feedback in our thorough environmental review.
The new telecommunications infrastructure would provide better cell service to park visitors and staff in developed areas of Bryce Canyon National Park. Construction of the cell tower, fiber optic utility and electric utility will not begin until the right-of-way permits are finalized.
To access the FONSI, please click on the "Document List" link to the left and then on the folder "BRCA Verizon Tower Construction with Power and Fiber Optic Signed FONSI"