Pacific Leadership Institute Overnight Program, West Fort Miley, Lands End

Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Pacific Leadership Institute Overnight Program, West Fort Miley, Lands End » Document List

Update: 12/5/17:

The PLI Overnight Program Final Categorical Exclusion (CE) was approved, and a Special Use Permit (SUP) has been issued. You can find both documents at the "Document List" link to the left. PLI plans to begin overnight programming early in 2018.

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Update 3/21/17:

The PLI Overnight Programming proposal is available for public review and comment through April 21, 2017. You can find the Proposal and Draft Categorical Exclusion at the "Open For Comment" link to the left.

Following the 30-day public review and comment period, all written comments will be evaluated to determine if any new issues, reasonable alternatives, or mitigation methods have been raised before making a decision to proceed with the project. A decision document is expected later this year.

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The Pacific Leadership Institute (PLI) is a longstanding non-profit park partner that offers outdoor education, personal and professional development, and leadership training for San Francisco youth. PLI currently delivers over 350 daytime outdoor education programs each year at Fort Miley.

PLI is proposing an expansion of existing environmental education programming at West Fort Miley to pilot an overnight program. The proposed overnight program expansion would allow the organization to provide more in-depth outdoor leadership experiences to participants while introducing new audiences to the national park.

As part of the overnight program, PLI proposes the use of a small grassy area at West Fort Miley to stage tents, prepare food, utilize a portable fire pit, and stage picnic tables. All physical items would be removed from the site when not in use. This pilot does not open Fort Miley to camping for the general public. The program would meet the following criteria:
• 15-30 campers per trip (2-4 tents)
• 25-35 groups per year
• 1-2 nights per group
• Mandatory quiet hours from 9:30 pm - 6:30 am
• Not exceed 2 years of operation

Contact Information

Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Attn: Pacific Leadership Institute Overnight Program
Fort Mason Building 201
San Francisco, CA 94123

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