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Soda Butte Creek Native Fish Restoration Project

Yellowstone National Park » Soda Butte Creek Native Fish Restoration Project » Document List

Yellowstone National Park, in coordination with partner agencies Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks; Wyoming Game & Fish Department, and the U.S. Forest Service; propose to remove brook trout from Soda Butte Creek to continue a two decade long effort to restore Yellowstone's native fish population.

The objective of this joint effort is to remove brook trout by applying a piscicide (rotenone) to Soda Butte Creek from upper portions of the creek above Ice Box Canyon. After treatment, genetically pure Yellowstone cutthroat trout will be stocked into the stream in an effort to secure the population into the future.

Yellowstone National Park is seeking your input on the proposed project. This action is being considered under a documented categorical exclusion that would amend the Native Fish Conservation Plan Environmental Assessment (EA) as the action qualifies under the previously documented and approved adaptive management framework of that Plan/EA, signed with a FONSI on May 18, 2011. The public comment period is currently open and runs until June 19, 2015.

Contact Information

Public Affairs Office