Entrance and Backcountry Fee Proposal

Yellowstone National Park » Entrance and Backcountry Fee Proposal » Document List

Yellowstone National Park is seeking public input on proposed entrance and backcountry permit fee increases. Revenues from entrance fees are used to fund projects that directly benefit park visitors, providing enhanced visitor services including repair and maintenance of facilities, capital improvements, enhanced amenities, resource protection and additional visitor programs and services. Backcountry permit fees are used to cover operational costs.

Further information on this proposal can be found by clicking the "Document List" link at the left of this page. Comments on the Entrance Fee Proposal may be submitted by clicking the document entitled "Entrance Fee Proposal," and comments on the Overnight Backcountry Permit Fee Proposal may be submitted by clicking on the document entitled "Overnight Backcountry Permit Fee Proposal." Comments will be accepted through midnight MST December 20th, 2014 through this website, or mailed to: Management Assistant Office, Attn: Fee Proposal, P.O. Box 168, Yellowstone National Park, WY, 82190.

Contact Information

Al Nash
Public Affairs Officer
Yellowstone National Park