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Engineering Evaluation / Cost Analysis Preparation for the Potable Water Tank Site
Devils Postpile National Monument » Engineering Evaluation / Cost Analysis Preparation for the Potable Water Tank Site » Document List
As a result of historic maintenance activities at the potable water tank, the potential exists for residual impacts from lead paint to soils immediately surrounding the water tank. The NPS is in the process of assessing this site under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). The CERCLA process, established by Congress in 1986, has a key community outreach component, to ensure that citizens living or working near CERCLA sites are given the opportunity to influence decisions affecting their community.
Preliminary environmental work occurred during summer 2013 and involved sampling potentially lead-impacted surface soils within 25 feet of the monument's potable water storage tank to determine appropriate response activities for this site. As a result of this preliminary work, ECM has prepared a Draft Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA), which is now available in the public repository at the Mammoth Lakes Library. The Draft EE/CA is also available on this website under "Document List" and is also incorporated under the Administrative Record File with other relevant site documents.
The EE/CA describes the environmental characterization work performed in 2013 and proposes four alternatives for non-critical removal actions for the lead-impacted soil. The public is invited to review and comment on this document. The 30-day public review and comment period will be open from February 14, 2014 through March 16, 2014.
Please direct questions and comments regarding this EE/CA to Holly Trejo, P.G., Project Manager with ECM, at or (510) 964-4399.
Contact Information
Holly Trejo, P.G., Project ManagerEnvironmental Cost Management, Inc.
3525 Hyland Avenue
Suite 200
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: 510-964-4399