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Kalaloch Firing Range Engineering Evaluation / Cost Analysis (EE/CA)
Olympic National Park » Kalaloch Firing Range Engineering Evaluation / Cost Analysis (EE/CA) » Document List
A site investigation conducted in 2007 found lead concentrations ranging from of 12 to 5,200 parts per million (ppm). Four of the samples exceed the USEPA Action Level for residential settings. In addition, the data were also compared to USEPA Ecological Soil Screening Levels (Eco-SSls, USEPA OSWER Directive #9285.7-70, 2005). Total lead concentrations were compared to Eco-SSLs for birds and mammals, of which several of the samples exceed the screening criteria for the following species:
Avian Herbivore, Dove (46 ppm)
Avian Ground Insectivore, Woodcock (11 ppm)
Avian Carnivore, Hawk (510 ppm)
Mammalian Herbivore, Vole (1,200 ppm)
Mammalian Ground Insectivore, Shrew (56 ppm)
Mammalian Carnivore, Weasel (460 ppm).
Three samples were analyzed using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) to determine if they would be characterized as "hazardous waste" if disposed off-Site. Two of the three samples had TCLP lead concentrations above the regulatory level of 5 ppm which requires the waste to be treated or disposed of as hazardous waste. The ONP is the lead agency for the cleanup.