Buffalo National River Elk Management Plan

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The National Park Service (NPS) has partnered with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) to develop a plan and Environmental Assessment (EA) for Management of Elk on Buffalo National River. We are seeking public and agency input for the proposed project to determine if the project could potentially result in any significant impacts to the natural or human environment. Prior to this joint effort, the AGFC conducted public meetings to discuss issues related to Elk management at the park, including the Boxley Valley area. Public comments gathered by the AGFC will be incorporated into this joint process. The EA will evaluate potential impacts to the natural, cultural, and human environment from management activities related to the proposed action and will be available for public review in the spring of 2019.

The purpose of the project is to manage the elk population and habitat to ensure long-term protection of park resources; minimize negative impacts from elk to private lands, and allow for and promote quality viewing opportunities and education to park visitors.

At this time, we are initiating a public review of the plan and EA that will be open for 30 days. All comments must be received by April 1, 2019.

At this time, two open house style public meetings are scheduled.
Public Meeting at the Ponca Elk Education Center in Ponca Arkansas on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Public Meeting at the Carroll Electric Cooperative Building in Jasper Arkansas on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM
These meetings will provide the public with an informal setting to ask questions of NPS and AGFC staff members about the plan for managing elk at Buffalo National River, especially those elk in Boxley Valley. Comment sheets will be provided for those who would like to leave their comments at the meeting, or would like to mail them in.
Review Copies of the Plan and EA will be placed in the Boone, Newton, Searcy, and Marion county public libraries.

Contact Information

Chuck Bitting