Lake Area Comprehensive Plan/EA

Yellowstone National Park » Lake Area Comprehensive Plan/EA » Document List

Yellowstone National Park (YNP) has developed a comprehensive plan for the Lake developed area, which includes Fishing Bridge, Bridge Bay, and Lake Village. This plan focused on protecting the area's resources while responding to changing visitor and resource needs and conditions.

Visitors to the Lake Area experience the changing character and scenery of Yellowstone Lake, which features views across the water into remote areas of the park. The intersection of lake, river, and land provides a diversity of plant and animal life, including the Yellowstone cutthroat trout and the grizzly bear. This wealth of resources has provided connections to human occupation and inspiration for more than 11,000 years. This area also plays an important role in the interpretation of the park's history, including the evolution of fisheries management and wildlife conservation. With its rich cultural and natural resources, the Lake Area continues to be a destination for visitors seeking serenity and solitude.

As facilities age and resources change, the Lake Area Comprehensive Plan guides future decisions regarding preservation of park resources and enhancing visitor needs. Thank you for your participation in this effort.

Daniel Wenk

Contact Information

Eleanor Williams Clark, 307-344-2315,