Project Links
Whiskey Creek Ranger Station Communication Link
Whiskeytown National Recreation Area » Whiskey Creek Ranger Station Communication Link » Document List
In order to create this link, the park posposed the installation of a 30 foot high self-supporting tower at each location that would be painted dark green in order to reduce visibility by blending in with the surrounding vegetation. The antennas themselves would consist of a 48 inch dish, with the exterior also painted a dark color. These towers will be installed in administrative areas, and will be placed to minimize visibility while still providing adequate signal strength.
The park has completed an environmental assessment (EA) to evaluate potential impact these towers may have on park resources and the surrounding environment. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was signed by the Regional Director of the Pacific West Region on August 30, 2012. More information is available from the "Document List" link to the left of the screen. Construction is anticipated to begin in September 2012.
Contact Information
Jim Richardson, Chief RangerWhiskeytown National Recreation Area
14412 Kennedy Memorial Drive
Whiskeytown, CA 96095
(530) 242-3413