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2010-2014 Programmatic Parkwide - Replacement in Kind of Vault Toilets/Restrooms/Comfort Stations
Ozark National Scenic Riverways » 2010-2014 Programmatic Parkwide - Replacement in Kind of Vault Toilets/Restrooms/Comfort Stations » Document List
This programmatic categorical exclusion (CE) is subject to annual review by the Park's management team. Work covered under this programmatic CE includes the replacement of these minor structures and facilities with little or no change in location. Vault toilets, restrooms and comfort stations in the park are subject to severe weather and obsolescence which require them to be replaced. All work covered under this CE will be done in accordance with applicable codes and regulations. Standard construction tools and equipment will be used in all work. Work must also occur without significant changes in location, capacity, or appearance. Consultation with the Park's Archeologist must be conducted before any work can begin. Any significant changes in the scope of work, or a proposal to add a new vault toilet/comfort station where one did not previously exist, would trigger a separate compliance action for review.