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El Portal and Yosemite Valley Restoration Equipment Sheds Installation
Yosemite National Park » El Portal and Yosemite Valley Restoration Equipment Sheds Installation » Document List
One shed will be located in old El Portal, behind the Special Uses Office next to Interpretation's covered storage (please see map). The other will be placed alongside our restoration shop (old Forestry Shop) in the Yosemite Valley maintenance yard. Both sheds will measure 8 by 10 feet by 8 feet tall and are designed to be moved with a fork lift and sit on top of the ground with little ground disturbance. The sheds come in beige, but we will paint the Yosemite Valley shed Wosky brown as requested by Sueann Brown, park Historical Architect, and we will ground the metal shed because it will be near an electrical sub station. We have consulted with Dave Humphrey and Laura Kirn to ensure the placement of the sheds will not affect archeological or historic cultural resource values.