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Jones Point Park Environmental Assessment
George Washington Memorial Parkway » Jones Point Park Environmental Assessment » Document List
The National Park Service (NPS) has completed the environmental review process for the Jones Point Park Environmental Assessment (EA). An EA was completed and distributed for public review in August 2006 and again in June 2007. Through environmental analysis and interagency review, the NPS has determined the selected alternative will not significantly affect the environment and has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) identifying Alternative 4A as the selected alternative for the Jones Point Park improvements. You may view the document by clicking Document List on the menu to the left.
The selected alternative (Alternative 4A) features the following:
• An access road will connect to a new cul-de-sac at the south end of Royal Street and extend eastward to a 95-space parking area.
• A vehicular turnaround will be located just west of the Potomac River. The cul-de-sac, perimeter barrier system, and landscape plantings will be located just south of the turnaround, as similar to Alternative 4.
• A tot-lot and an 80 x 40 yard multi-use field oriented east/west will be located north of the parking area.
• A 110 x 60 yard multi-use field oriented northwest/southeast will be located south of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge (WWB) in a similar location as the existing field.
• Alternative 4A contains items common to the other action alternatives released in the draft EA.
The next step in the process will consist of the design and construction of park features, beginning with access and parking. The NPS will continue to engage with interested stakeholders during this process.
This FONSI documents the decision of the National Park Service to adopt a plan for the improvement of Jones Point Park and the determination that no significant impacts on the quality of the human environment are associated with the decision. Jones Point Park is an approximately 65-acre park located in the southeastern corner of the City of Alexandria that is owned by the NPS under the jurisdiction of the George Washington Memorial Parkway. The proposed improvements to Jones Point Park are mitigation commitments from the Federal Highway Administration for impacts to the park from the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Replacement Project.
Contact Information
SuperintendentGeorge Washington Memorial Parkway
c/o Turkey Run Park
McLean, VA 22101