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Development Concept Plan & Environmental Assessment for Improvements to the Self-Guiding Tour Routes
Stones River National Battlefield » Development Concept Plan & Environmental Assessment for Improvements to the Self-Guiding Tour Routes » Document List
and Other Interested Parties:
The National Park Service (NPS) is requesting comments through October 28, 2005 on the final draft of a Development Concept Plan (DCP)/Environmental Assessment (EA) For Improvements to the Self-Guiding Tour Routes at Stone’s River National Battlefield. The development of this planning document, which includes integration of additional vehicle and pedestrian routes, has been guided by the park’s enabling legislation and the 1999 General Management Plan (GMP)/Development Concept Plan (DCP).
In December 2003, the NPS provided formal notification to local governments, state and federal agencies and Indian tribes about the project. In March 2004, the park published a newsletter that described park resources, purpose and need for the proposed tour route improvement project, the planning process, project goals, and schedule of the environmental assessment. The park held a public scoping workshop in Murfreesboro on March 16, 2004. Additional meetings with organizations, agencies and stakeholders were held during the summer of 2004. A second newsletter, describing draft alternative concepts for improving the tour route, was sent to interested parties and stakeholders in October 2004. The park hosted an open house public meeting on October 14, 2004.
In addition, the EA is being used to accomplish compliance for both Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act (as described in 36 CFR 800.8 (a-c)). The document also contains a Statement of Findings (SOF) which describes floodplain impacts.
If you wish to review the DCP/EA and submit your comments on-line, please click on Documents & Links in the menu on the left side of the screen, and follow the directions. If you would prefer to submit your comments by mail, please send them to: Superintendent, Stones River National Battlefield, 3501 Old Nashville Highway, Murfreesboro, TN 37129. As previously stated, the comment period ends on October 28, 2005.
Stuart Johnson, Superintendent
Stones River National Battlefield