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Replace Cedar Grove Bridge in Kings Canyon
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks » Replace Cedar Grove Bridge in Kings Canyon » Document List
The Cedar Grove Bridge was constructed in 1939. In its current condition, the bridge does not provide a safe, durable, sustainable passage for vehicles at Cedar Grove, is unsafe for pedestrians and bicycles, and restricts the free-flowing character of the South Fork of the Kings River, particularly during high water and flood events.
The EA prepared by the NPS in cooperation with the Federal Highways Administration, was released for a 30-day public review on November 2, 2009. A printed EA was distributed to 66 individuals, agencies, business, and interest groups on the parks' mailing list, and 31 tribes and tribal representatives. In addition, 350 individuals, agencies, interest groups, businesses, and press outlets were notified by mail or email of the availability of the EA. Two comments were received during the public review period. Neither commenter provided any additional, new, or substantive information or new alternatives that would require revising the EA for additional public review or that would change the determination of effects.
The environmental assessment evaluated two alternatives: alternative A, the no action alternative and alternative B, the management preferred alternative. Alternative B includes the replacement of the existing 142-foot bridge with a new 280-foot bridge in the same location. The bridge will be designed to accommodate vehicles and pedestrians. Lengthening the bridge and removing the hardened materials from the embankment will reduce constriction and improve the natural processes in this segment of the river.
Contact Information
SuperintendentSequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
47050 Generals Highway
Three Rivers, CA 93271