Muir Woods Salmon Habitat Enhancement and Bridge Replacement Project

Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Muir Woods Salmon Habitat Enhancement and Bridge Replacement Project » Document List

Update 8/23/18:The Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Muir Woods Salmon Habitat Enhancement and Bridge Replacement Project was signed by National Park Service Pacific West Regional Director Stan Austin on August 7, 2018. The FONSI completes the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance process for this important plan.The Final EA, FONSI and related documents can be downloaded at the Documents List link to the left. The Final EA includes, but is not limited to the following updates and revisions:

• A project goal was added to reconnect the floodplain, where feasible;

• Several measurable objectives were added to increase sediment retention, increase the frequency of large and small wood, decrease high flow velocities, and increase pool frequency;

• One segment of riprap originally proposed for removal will remain in place, which would reduce the total percentage of riprap removal in Muir Woods to 48% of all existing riprap;

• Several woody debris structures, sometimes referred to as "beaver dam analogues," were added to conceptual designs to help trap sediment in the channel and increase complexity;

• Instead of off-hauling and stockpiling riprap after it is removed from channel banks, the rocks will be buried in the channel at five specific locations. They will be buried with a minimum of 3 feet of native bed material over them; and

• Staging for Phase 1 of the creek restoration will still be at Alice Eastwood Campground, but traffic to and from that road will be reduced since riprap will not be off-hauled in trucks.

Phase 1 of construction is expected to begin in August, 2019.
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Update 4/3/2017: The Muir Woods Salmon Habitat Enhancement and Bridge Replacement Project Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) is available for public review and comment until May 18, 2017. Click on the document list to access the Draft EA.
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Update 3/21/2017: A public meeting on this project will be held on 4/11/2017. You can participate in 2 ways:

1. Online with Marin TV Livestream:

Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Time: 6-8:30 pm*
Livestream link:
*time subject to change

2. In person:

Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Time: 6-8:30 pm
Location: Tam Valley Community Center
203 Marin Avenue
Mill Valley, CA 94941
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Update 8/2016: A public scoping meeting about this project will be held on 9/20/2016 at the Mill Valley Library from 6-8 pm.
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The Muir Woods Salmon Habitat Enhancement and Bridge Replacement Project would restore habitat in Redwood Creek for aquatic life, including the federally threatened Coho salmon, and replace aging pedestrian bridges in Muir Woods National Monument.

Coho salmon numbers in the Redwood Creek watershed have significantly declined and efforts are continuing to restore this species to self-sustaining levels. This project is one of several ongoing actions the National Park Service is taking to protect and support the recovery of salmon populations.

The restoration of Redwood Creek in Muir Woods represents one of the best opportunities in the watershed to improve conditions for salmon. This project calls for the removal of selected large boulders called riprap that were placed on the banks of Redwood Creek over 80 years ago to stabilize the stream banks. Following the riprap removal, large woody debris would be installed in the creek. These two actions will significantly improve the conditions needed to help young fish survive.

Four aging pedestrian bridges on Redwood Creek that are reaching the end of their lifespan would then be replaced. The new bridges would provide accessible creek crossings and be designed with a longer span and more durable materials to improve both public safety and enhance the way water flows in the creek to support ongoing habitat restoration efforts.

Contact Information

Questions regarding this project can be sent to: