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National Mall and Memorial Parks » Design and Construct the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial
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SHPO Concurrence with Final Determination 9.20.2017
Final Determination of Effect, Stipulation 11 of the 2012 Memorandum of Agreement (Updated since May 8, 2015) 09.08.17
CFA Presentation September 20, 2017
NCPC Eisenhower Final Design Revisions Request for Oct. 5, 2017 meeting
Eisenhower Memorial Project SHPO Letter 7.pdf
Final Determination of Effect, Stipulation 11 of the 2012 Memorandum of Agreement (Updated since May 8, 2015)
Establishment of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Reissuance of Memorandum of Agreement
Eisenhower Memorial CFA Response 5.27.17
Eisenhower Memorial CFA Submission for 5.18.17
Memo to File Regarding Eisenhower Memorial Modifications
Notification of Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Changes
Eisenhower Memorial NCPC Presentation with Supplemental and Executive Director Recommendation-2.2.17
Eisenhower Memorial CFA Response 1.27.17
Eisenhower Memorial CFA Submission 1.5.17
Eisenhower Family Support Announcement 9.19.16
Eisenhower Memorial Section 106 MOA Annual Update 2015
NCPC Final Approval of Site and Building Plans
CFA Final Design Approval 06.26.15
Eisenhower Memorial Project SHPO Letter 6
Final Determination of Effect, Stipulation 11 of the 2012 Memorandum of Agreement
Eisenhower Memorial, Section 106 Consultation
SHPO Response for Eisenhower Memorial, Section 106 Consultation December 9, 2014
Eisenhower Memorial:Section 106 Consulting Parties Presentation
CFA Development of Concept Design Letter 12.1.14
Eisenhower Memorial: Commemorative Arts and Landscape Design 11.20.14
Eisenhower Memorial: Section 106 Lighting and LBJ Building Perimeter Security Update 11.12.2014
Supplemental Submission for Preliminary Design Review (NCPC 10.2.14)
Concept Design Re-Submission (CFA 10.16.14)
Eisenhower Memorial MOA annual update- 2013
Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial EA
Public Scoping/Section 106 Consultation
Eisenhower Memorial FONSI executed 03062012
Eisenhower Memorial Final Section 106 MOA
Proposed Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Environmental Assessment (EA)-Memorial Establishment (2010)
CFA Response to Revised Concept Design Presentation 4.16.15
Eisenhower Memorial CFA 04/16/2015
Eisenhower Memorial_CFA_Design Submission_2015-02-19.r1
NCPC Section 106 Responses
Section 106 MOA Annual Update 2014
Eisenhower Memorial Section 106 Presentation (11/16/2011)
Eisenhower Memorial Section 106 Presentation (8/31/2011)
Eisenhower Memorial Section 106 Presentation (6/20/2011)
CFA response 9.20.2017
2020 MOA Update