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Sep 30, 2028
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Sep 30, 2028
at 11:59 PM Mountain Time in
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State, Tribal, and Local Plans & Grants » Hurricanes Florence and Michael and Supertyphoon Yutu Programmatic Agreement » Document List » Document Contents
Hurricanes Florence and Michael and Supertyphoon Yutu Programmatic Agreement
The relevant document for this program is the draft Programmatic Agreement (PA) among the National Park Service, the State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for projects funded through an Emergency Supplemental Historic Preservation Fund appropriation (PL 116-20) for damage from Hurricanes Florence and Michael, and Super Typhoon Yutu. The document includes the draft text of the Programmatic Agreement which contains a number of appendices including maps of the affected counties, and an example of the grant agreement.
On June 4, 2021, NPS updated the version of the Programmatic Agreement on this site. The changes in the updated version are limited to the addition of signatures to the document.
Comment Period:
Jan 8, 2021 - Sep 30, 2028
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Document Content: |
Signed FYM Programmatic Agreement Memo to Signatories FINAL.pdf
(219.6 KB, PDF file)
FYM Programmatic Agreement FINAL_All Signatories & Concurring_508.pdf
(3.2 MB, PDF file)
Disclaimer: Links within the above document(s) were valid as of the date published.
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