Fire Management Plan

An assessment of a proposed fire management plan and program designed to achieve desired natural and cultural resource conditions while minimizing the fire danger to park resources and adjacent lands from hazardous fuel accumulations.
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 9, 2007 - Feb 9, 2007
Document Content:
Fire Management Plan   (233.0 KB, Word file)
Exhibit 4   (37.5 KB, Word file)
Exhibit 6   (90.5 KB, Word file)
Exhibit 1   (81.0 KB, Word file)
Exhibit 2   (627.5 KB, Word file)
Exhibit 3   (117.5 KB, PDF file)
Environmental Assessment Cover   (1.3 MB, Word file)
Environmental Assessment   (639.5 KB, Word file)
Exhibit 7   (27.5 KB, Word file)
Fire Management Plan Cover   (1.4 MB, Word file)
Exhibit 5   (79.5 KB, Word file)
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