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Boulder City Bypass Special Use Permit Environmental Assessment
Lake Mead National Recreation Area (NRA) has completed an environmental assessment (EA) for a Utility Line Relocation and Temporary Water Line for the Boulder City Bypass Project. Although construction of the Boulder City Bypass was approved in 2005, the project's Environmental Impact Statement did not address the need to relocate a portion of an existing powerline or install a pipeline to provide water. Therefore, an EA has been prepared for these activities in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act.
The proposed utility line relocation would allow for the movement of approximately one mile of a transmission line operated by the Colorado River Commission (CRC). Terrain, topography, and the existence of other transmission lines limit the options for routes through the utility corridor. The CRC has determined that the proposed route would minimize the number of structures to be moved and the number of service disruptions to occur.
The temporary water line installation would be an above-ground waterline to provide a source of water for construction of the Bypass. The HDPE waterline would be run from Horsepower Cove in Lake Mead to a staging area south of U.S. Highway 93, east of the Hacienda Hotel and west of the US 93/Hoover Dam interchange. The route would be above ground and utilize existing drainages and culverts, including ones that run under the Historic Railroad Trail and US 93.
Comment Period:
Aug 15, 2014 - Sep 19, 2014
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Boulder City Bypass Special Use Permit EA.pdf
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