Devils Hole Site Plan Finding of No Significant Impacts

A Finding of No Significant Impacts (FONSI) for the Devils Hole Site Plan has been signed by the Regional Director. The purpose of the project is to redesign the man-made features of Devils Hole in a way that does not harm resources.

The NPS selected Alternative A, which will involve construction of an expanded 'dogleg' fence around Devils Hole and improvements to the visitor viewing platform, interpretive information, monitoring platform, access ladder and security system. Alternative A was described in detail in the environmental assessment (EA), which was available for public comment from June 12-August 12, 2009. There were no modifications or revisions to the proposal due to public comment.

There were some changes to the text of the EA based on comments received. These text changes and responses to public comments were incorporated into an Errata for the EA.
Document Content:
Devils Hole Site Plan Errata   (537.6 KB, PDF file)
Devils Hole Site Plan FONSI   (1.5 MB, PDF file)
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