Horsfeld Concession Camp Move Environmental Assessment

The National Park Service (NPS) is considering a request from Richard G. Petersen, a National Park Service Concessionaire, to relocate and/or replace his existing operations headquarters facility within the Nabesna A-1 Quadrangle at T 3N, R 23E, Sections 34 & 35 CRM. The structures are located near the confluence of Horsfeld and Beaver Creeks and are situated north of Beaver Creek within the active floodplain. Peterson proposes to relocate the camp from its present location to a nearby higher and drier site outside the floodplain.

This environmental assessment (EA) analyzes the proposed actions, alternatives and potential impacts to cultural and natural resource values which could result from the proposed action. It was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and regulations of the Council of Environmental Quality (40 CFR 1508.9).

Comment Period: Closed        Feb 23, 2010 - Mar 23, 2010
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