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Great Meadow Restoration Signed FONSI
The National Park Service (NPS) proposes to implement actions to improve the ecological health of Great Meadow in Acadia National Park (ACAD), Bar Harbor, Maine by restoring natural function to the wetland and Cromwell Brook. The NPS analyzed two alternatives in detail in the EA: Alternative A - No Action and selected Alternative B - Proposed Action for implementation because it will meet the purpose and need by achieving restoration of the wetland function. The selected action not only restores natural hydrologic function impacted from past development, but also builds ecological resiliency and adaptability, boosts wildlife passage and connectivity, and improves stream channel morphology. It enhances recreational experience and safety for visitors, while reducing damage and maintenance to infrastructure and facilities found within the watershed.
The NPS considered actual or potential effects in evaluating the degree of effects (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 1501.3(b)(2)) for the selected action. As documented in the EA, the selected action has the potential for both adverse and beneficial impacts on wetlands, vegetation, wildlife habitat, and cultural landscapes (Chapter 3 of the EA). The NPS did not identify any significant adverse effects from implementing the selected action. The adverse impacts that may result from implementing the selected action are limited in nature, will not affect natural resources or values, and not affect the listing of properties on the National Register of Historic Places, and therefore will not rise to levels that will constitute impairment.
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