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As part of the project, the existing stream channels, which are currently severely degraded in some areas, would be restored and integrated into the overall project as a natural landscape amenity. Natural Channel Design (NCD) techniques would be utilized to restore the existing channels. By establishing stable channel geometry and reestablishing a floodplain connection, excessive bank and bed erosion can be arrested, in-stream habitat improved, and the downstream transport of pollutants reduced. Although ~890 trees would be removed, this impact was minimized during planning and an additional 600 trees and 500 shrubs will be planted to help
mitigate for this impact.
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Document Content: |
(16.9 MB, PDF file)
Sect. 106 Correspondence 6.12.12.pdf
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Headstone Removal Project-executed FONSI 1-11-13.pdf
(757.6 KB, PDF file)
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