National Park Service - Record of Decision (ROD) Potomac Yard Metro Station

The proposed Potomac Yard Metrorail Station consists of construction of a new Metrorail station and ancillary facilities located at Potomac Yard within the City of Alexandria along the existing Metrorail Blue and Yellow Lines between the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Station and the Braddock Road Station. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the City of Alexandria, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190, as amended) and regulations promulgated by the Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR parts 1500 to 1508), prepared their Final Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation, dated June 1, 2016 for the project.

The National Park Service served as a cooperating agency because of the project's impacts to natural and cultural resources of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, which is a unit of the National Park Service. After close consultation with the Federal Transit Administration, the City of Alexandria, and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and review of the Final Environmental Impact Statement and other supporting documentation, the NPS, in accordance with 43 CFR 46.320, is adopted this Final Environmental Impact Statement and made its decision to issue a permit for the temporary use of land under its administration for construction staging and the exchange of property for the proposed permanent use of a portion of that land for the project. The National Park Service finalized their Record of Decision on November 1, 2016.
Document Content:
Section 106 MOA - Attachment_B.pdf   (7.4 KB, PDF file)
Section 106 MOA - Attachment_C.pdf   (4.0 MB, PDF file)
Attachment A_Executed - Section 106 MOA   (374.6 KB, PDF file)
Section 106 MOA - Attachment_E.pdf   (6.7 MB, PDF file)
Section 106 MOA - Attachment_A.pdf   (1.9 MB, PDF file)
Attachment F - Final 4f Evaluation   (9.4 MB, PDF file)
Section 106 MOA - Attachment_F.pdf   (951.3 KB, PDF file)
Section 106 MOA - Attachment_D.pdf   (6.9 MB, PDF file)
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