January 2013. MacArthur Boulevard Shared-Use Path at Glen Echo Park Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect

Two alternatives are evaluated in the Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect (EA/AoE): a no-action alternative and one action alternative (the NPS preferred alternative). The proposed action would provide a safe location for the shared-use path component of the Montgomery County Bikeway/Lane Improvements Project and ensure the protection of park resources and values as provided for in Glen Echo Park's enabling legislation, purpose, mission and goals. The proposed action would improve the safety of the existing bikeway, which currently lacks proper identification signage, pavement markings, lane designations, and vehicular and bikeway approach signs. The path is currently not physically separated from the roadway and does not meet current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials standards.

The EA/AoE has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, and implementing regulations, 40 CFR 1500-1508, and NPS Director's Order #12 and Handbook, Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Decision-making (DO-12). Compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 is being completed with this NEPA process and the associated Assessment of Effect is detailed in the EA/AoE.

Please comment on the EA/AoE using the "Comment on Document" button above. The EA/AoE will be available for public review and comment from January 9, 2013, through midnight on February 8, 2013. Written comments may be mailed to: Superintendent, the National Park Service, George Washington Memorial Parkway c/o Turkey Run Park, McLean, VA 22101. Mailed comments must be postmarked by February 8, 2013 to receive consideration. See the "Project Home" page for more information on commenting by mail and on the Public Open House meeting scheduled for January 24, 2013.
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 9, 2013 - Feb 8, 2013
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