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George Washington Memorial Parkway South Section (South Parkway) and Mount Vernon Trail Improvement Plan/Environmental Assessment
George Washington Memorial Parkway South Section (South Parkway) and Mount Vernon Trail (MVT) Improvement Plan (Plan) / Environmental Assessment (EA) for the George Washington Memorial Parkway (GW Parkway) located within Fairfax County, City of Alexandria, Arlington County Virginia and Columbia Island in the District of Columbia.
This Plan will take a comprehensive approach towards addressing deferred maintenance needs and safety along both the southern portion of the Parkway as well as the entirety of the MVT. The Plan will have context sensitive solutions that make improvements while maintaining the Parkway's scenic and historic character throughout these corridors. The EA will assess the implementation of these solutions on the natural and cultural resources of the Park.
The GW Parkway is a scenic and historic roadway that runs along the south bank of the Potomac River between Mount Vernon and I-495. The Plan will focus on the southern segment of the Parkway between the City of Alexandria and Mount Vernon, as well as the full extent of the MVT. The purpose is to identify potential impacts from reconstructing these assets and making permanent safety enhancements. This includes potential geometric changes to both the road and trail such as trail and trail bridge widening and trail intersection treatments; permanent implementation of a road diet; and installation of signals, crosswalks, and other roadway intersection treatments.
Comment Period:
Sep 25, 2023 - Oct 24, 2023
Document Content: |
(52.4 MB, PDF file)
2023-09-22_GW Parkway South Traffic Impact Study_FINAL_508.pdf
(7.8 MB, PDF file)
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