UPDATED AccessParks Proposal with photosimulations

This package includes (1) Yellowstone National Park's original Septermber 9, 2019 consultation letter to the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Officer; (2) a copy of enclosure 1 from Yellowstone's consultation letter which outlines buildings which are proposed to be served under the AccessParks Wi-Fi project; (3) a copy of Enclosure 2 from Yellowstone's consultation letter, which is an minimally redacted version of the AccessParks WiFi proposal with proprietary information removed, but with photosimulations of all installations proposed left intact; (4) copy of enclosure 3 from Yellowstone's consultation letter, which outlines buildings not currently proposed for service, but which may at some point be served by AccessParks Wi-FI; and (5) the Wyoming Historic Preservation Officer's concurrence with Yellowstone National Park's finding that the proposal will have no adverse effect to historic properties if allowed to go forward.
Comment Period: Closed        May 27, 2020 - Jun 10, 2020
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