Wupatki National Monument Draft Wilderness Study and Environmental Assessment

The National Park Service is releasing the Wupatki National Monument Draft Wilderness Study and Environmental Assessment (study/EA) for a 35-day public review and comment period (November 8 - December 12, 2024).

The study/EA includes four alternatives examining if and where wilderness should be designated within the monument. The NPS preferred alternative identifies 33,642 acres (94.95% of the monument's total acreage) as proposed wilderness and 274 acres (0.77% of the monument's total acreage) as proposed potential wilderness. Once approved, the result of this study may be forwarded to the NPS director, the US Department of the Interior, the president of the United States, and Congress for consideration.

The National Park Service is seeking public feedback on the study/EA to help determine which lands should be proposed for the continued preservation of wilderness character at Wupatki National Monument and which lands should be released from further consideration and management as wilderness under NPS policy. We are also seeking feedback on the environmental analysis in the EA.

This comment period is the public's final opportunity to provide comments on the wilderness study and environmental assessment.

Thank you for being involved in this process!
Comment Period: Closed        Nov 12, 2024 - Dec 12, 2024
Document Content:
WUPA_WS_EA_508_2024-1024.pdf   (17.1 MB, PDF file)
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