PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Golden Gate National Recreation Area Dog Management Plan / FEIS

The Final Environmental Impact Statement for Dog Management in GGNRA was released on December 9, 2016, beginning a 30-day no action period (FEIS is currently available on PEPC). This document analyzes alternative approaches to dog management and recommends Alternative F as the Preferred Alternative. The FEIS reflects and addresses public comments received on the Draft and Supplemental Environmental Impact Statements. There will not be a formal public comment period for the FEIS.

The FEIS Preferred Alternative incorporates a number of changes in response to public comment. A partial list of recent changes include:

-Addition of voice and sight control area at Rancho Corral de Tierra (Flat Top)
-Addition of an on-leash loop trail at Muir Beach (Kaashi Way)
-Expansion of both voice-and-sight-control and dog-free areas at Crissy Field
-Realignment and expansion of an on-leash area at Baker Beach
-Addition of an accessible on- and off-leash trail at Fort Funston
-Addition of an on-leash trail at Mori Point (Mori Headlands Trail)
-Addition of an on-leash trail to overlook at Milagra Ridge (Milagra Ridge Road)
Document Content:
FEIS Errata.pdf   (559.5 KB, PDF file)
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