GWMP Arlington House Rehabilitation EA

The National Park Service proposes to preserve and rehabilitate the historic Arlington House mansion, slave quarters, and surrounding grounds. Treatments to the mansion include: stabilization of the foundation; rehabilitation of the portico and entrance; restoration of exterior finishes and hardware; improvement of the climate management and fire suppression system; installation of new electrical, lighting, and security systems; and rehabilitation of the conservatory. Site work outside of the mansion includes: rehabilitation of the west room of the north slave quarters, rehabilitation of the south slave quarters, rehabilitation of the museum building, relocation of the bookstore, and rehabilitation of the historic grounds to improve circulation and accessibility.

This environmental assessment evaluates three alternatives: a no-action alternative (alternative 1), the proposed action (alternative 2) and another action alternative (alternative 3). The action alternatives, including the proposed action, would have very similar impacts on park resources. The action alternatives would result in both adverse and beneficial impacts on historic structures, the cultural landscape, archeological resources, museum collections, and visitor use and experience. These impacts would be associated with construction activities and changes in visual features of the site.
Comment Period: Closed        Aug 19, 2016 - Sep 19, 2016
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