Restoration of Native Species in High Elevation Aquatic Ecosystems Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement

The purpose of the Restoration of Native Species in High Elevation Aquatic Ecosystems Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement (Restoration Plan/FEIS) is to restore and conserve high elevation aquatic ecosystems within Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (SEKI or parks). The Restoration Plan/FEIS establishes the long-term management direction to restore and conserve SEKI's high elevation aquatic species and ecosystems.

The Restoration Plan/FEIS presents and analyzes one no-action alternative and three action alternatives that provide alternative methods for restoring high elevation habitats that are important for the conservation of native species, ecosystems and processes, and for mitigating the potential effects from climate change. The NPS is considering the use of physical methods, such as gill nets and electrofishers, and the use of piscicides (rotenone) in order to eradicate nonnative fish from these ecologically significant habitats. Additionally, this Restoration Plan/FEIS proposes to conduct a suite of active restoration methods to recover two species of federally endangered frogs that occur in SEKI and have been severely impacted by nonnative fish and disease.

The draft Restoration Plan and Draft EIS was available to the public, federal, state, and local agencies, tribes, and organizations for a 60-day public review period from September 26, 2013 to November 25, 2013. In October 2013, due to an extended shutdown of the federal government, and the unavailability of federal systems that allowed the review of the draft plan, the public review period was extended to December 17, 2013. The NPS received 123 public comment letters from individuals, interest groups, businesses, or government agencies. Substantive comments are addressed in appendix E of this Restoration Plan/FEIS, and the text has been changed, clarified, or expanded where necessary. A summary of the changes is included in Chapter 1.

A limited number of printed documents are available. To request printed documents or CDs, call (559) 565-3102. A 30-day "no-action" period will begin on the date the Environmental Protection Agency publishes the notice of availability of the final plan in the Federal Register (anticipated on June 10, 2016), after which the NPS will prepare a record of decision (ROD). After approval of the ROD by the Pacific West Regional Director, the selected alternative will be announced through local and regional press, and on the PEPC website.
Document Content:
Volume 2_Appendix D.pdf   (3.1 MB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix J.pdf   (839.2 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix F.pdf   (201.0 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix L.pdf   (37.6 MB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix K.pdf   (548.1 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix G.pdf   (392.5 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix A.pdf   (812.1 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix N.pdf   (162.6 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix I.pdf   (10.2 MB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix H.pdf   (170.4 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix C.pdf   (46.1 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2 List of Appendices.pdf   (15.4 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix M.pdf   (419.8 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix E.pdf   (644.0 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2_Appendix B.pdf   (2.2 MB, PDF file)
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