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West Side Trails Construction Environmental Assessment

The proposed action would construct two new trails on the west side of the park: an accessible loop trail from the West Side VCS and a connector trail from the accessible loop to the Chaparral area and trailheads. Interpretive waysides and directional signage would also be installed. The accessible loop trail would be approximately two-thirds of a mile in length, in a lollipop design for a total of approximately two acres of ground disturbance. It would be designed to meet the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards (ABAAS) for Outdoor Developed Areas. The trail would have two overlooks; one at the beginning of the loop, and another along the loop with a view of the High Peaks. The connector trail would be approximately one mile long and connect the VCS to the existing trailheads at the Chaparral area. In Alternative B, the Proposed Action, the connector trail would start on the accessible loop and descend approximately 600 feet through Jawbone Canyon, approximately 1500 feet is within the Hain Wilderness. The connector alignment in Alternative C is outside of wilderness.
Comment Period: Closed        Apr 1, 2016 - Apr 30, 2016
Document Content:
FINAL PINN 159539 EA - March 25.pdf   (3.0 MB, PDF file)
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