Background and Scoping Information

Please note: The comment period closed on November 15, 2015.

Your comments regarding issues or concerns are an important part of this planning and impact assessment process. The National Lakeshore looks forward to receiving your thoughts and opinions concerning the project purpose and need, objectives, and alternatives and other ideas.

The comments you submit during this planning period will be evaluated and considered during the development of the Plan/EA.

Please download the following document:

Platte Scoping Brochure.pdf: This document contains a general summary of the project proposal, purpose and need, objectives, a set of preliminary alternatives the NPS is considering for evaluation, and overall project timelines. This document contains the information we are asking you to review and comment on during this public scoping period.

If you would like to review additional in-depth studies and background information you might consider also reading the two reports we have posted here.

NOTE: These reports themselves are NOT under review and are provided here as background information only.

Background Reports:

2011 Platte Report.pdf: This document entitled "Platte River, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Conceptual Solutions for Platte River Dredged Material" is a summary of early investigations completed by Baird/URS in 2011. It contains information on historical shoreline changes at Platte River Point and outlines preliminary concepts for dredge spoil management, removing spoil piles and providing recreational access.

2014 Platte Report.pdf: This document entitled "Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Conceptual Design Study for Boat Access to Platte Bay" includes several conceptual recreational access designs, spoil management and disposal options, and restoration options evaluated by SFS Architecture/Vireo in 2014. It incorporates the findings of the 2011 report.
Comment Period: Closed        Oct 1, 2015 - Nov 15, 2015
Document Content:
2014 Platte Report.pdf   (30.7 MB, PDF file)
Platte Scoping Brochure.pdf   (996.0 KB, PDF file)
2011 Platte Report.pdf   (7.6 MB, PDF file)
Disclaimer: Links within the above document(s) were valid as of the date published.
Note: Some of the files may be in PDF format and can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. You may download a free copy of from Adobe Systems.