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Environmental Assessment for the Beach Restoration to Protect NC Highway 12 Clean Water Act 404 and NPS Special Use Permits
The US Army Corps of Engineers and National Park Service have released for public review an Environmental Assessment for the Beach Restoration to Protect NC Highway 12 Clean Water Act 404 and NPS Special Use Permits.
Dare County has requested a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), lead agency, for the associated dredge and fill activities needed to accomplish the proposed beach nourishment activities. Dare County has also requested a separate a special use permit from the National Park Service for fill activities on Cape Hatteras National Seashore. The US Army Corps of Engineers and National Park Service will use this Environmental Assessment to assist the agencies in determining whether, where and under what conditions would issue permits to Dare County.
This Environmental Assessment discusses the purpose and need for the proposed action (Chapter 1), alternatives considered (Chapter 2), affected environment (Chapter 3), and environmental consequences (Chapter 4). In addition to the Applicant's action alternatives, this EA addresses the No-Action Alternative. Supplementary data and analyses pertinent to the proposed action are contained in the following appendixes:
Appendix A: Littoral Processes
Appendix B: Biological Assessment
Appendix C: Geotechnical Data
Appendix D: EFH (Essential Fish Habitat) Assessment
Appendix E: Biological Monitoring
Appendix F: Cultural Resources
Appendix G: Monitoring & Mitigation Measures
The Environmental Assessment and all appendixes are available for review and comment untl October 19, 2015. These documents can be downloaded by selecting the document links below. More information is also available from the US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Public Notice website at:
If you wish to comment on the environmental assessment, you may mail comments to:
Beach Restoration to Protect NC 12 Permits EA
US Army Corps of Engineers
Washington Regulatory Field Office
2407 W. 5th Street
Washington, North Carolina 27889
ATTN: Raleigh W. Bland, PWS