Project History

These documents were all published during the initial phase of the planning process. Public scoping for the project occurred during the summer and fall of 2015 and included public meetings and numerous briefings and interviews with local stakeholders. The comment period for the initial public scoping closed on November 30. The Public Scoping Report, available as a document on this site, summarizes the public scoping process and the comments that were received. We have also made available a newsletter which summarizes public scoping, explains the results of data collection on backcountry/wilderness visitor impacts, discusses backcountry/wilderness visitation levels, and explains where we will go next in the planning process.
Document Content:
Planning Area Map.pdf   (11.6 MB, PDF file)
Press release for public scoping.docx   (19.1 KB, .docx file)
Poster Wilderness Act and ANILCA.pdf   (8.5 MB, PDF file)
Public Scoping Report.pdf   (1.7 MB, PDF file)
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